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Fellow & FFL Publications and Presentations

Our Fellows and Fellows-for-Life often go on to publish and present work related to their Fellowship projects. Please read below to see their citations and learn more!

Baylor College of Medicine


Sujal Manohar (BCM) and Oluwapelumi Oloyede (UHCOM)

Manohar, S, Oloyede, O. Draw YOUR Story: an art and storytelling program for older adults. Flash presentation at International Health Humanities Consortium. 2023 March 17; Cleveland, Ohio.


Manohar S, Oloyede O. Intergenerational art and storytelling program benefits medical student volunteers and older adults. Oral presentation at Artful Medicine – Bridging Medicine and the Humanities Symposium at Missouri Southern State University. 2023; Virtual


Sujal Manohar, Oluwapelumi Oloyede & Mary E. Kollmer Horton (2023) Evaluating an intergenerational art and storytelling program with older adults and medical students, International Review of Psychiatry, DOI: 10.1080/09540261.2023.2278717


Manohar S, Oloyede O, Kollmer Horton ME. Evaluating an intergenerational art and storytelling program for older adults and medical students. Poster presentation at Gold Humanism Summit. 2024 February 29; Atlanta, GA.​​

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Violet Lin

Lin WV, Bhadra S, Banu S. Mapping for Refugee Health in Houston. Poster presented at: American Psychiatric Association (APA) Annual Meeting; May 20-24, 2017; San Diego, CA.


US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) Mental Health and Wellness conference; April 21, 2018; Houston, TX.​


Texas A&M University School of Medicine

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Elaine Avshman and Shireen Punjabi

Avshman, E., Punjabi, S., Identifying knowledge gaps via women’s health education workshops among recently resettled Afghani refugees. Research poster presentation at North American Refugee Health Conference. 2023 July; Calgary, Canada.

Tilman J. Fertitta Family College of Medicine

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Sujal Manohar (BCM) and Oluwapelumi Oloyede (UHCOM)

Manohar, S, Oloyede, O. Draw YOUR Story: an art and storytelling program for older adults. Flash presentation at International Health Humanities Consortium. 2023 March 17; Cleveland, Ohio.


Manohar S, Oloyede O. Intergenerational art and storytelling program benefits medical student volunteers and older adults. Oral presentation at Artful Medicine – Bridging Medicine and the Humanities Symposium at Missouri Southern State University. 2023; Virtual.


Sujal Manohar, Oluwapelumi Oloyede & Mary E. Kollmer Horton (2023) Evaluating an intergenerational art and storytelling program with older adults and medical students, International Review of Psychiatry, DOI: 10.1080/09540261.2023.2278717


Manohar S, Oloyede O, Kollmer Horton ME. Evaluating an intergenerational art and storytelling program for older adults and medical students. Poster presentation at Gold Humanism Summit. 2024 February 29; Atlanta, GA.

University of Texas Medical Branch John Sealy School of Medicine


Samantha Carty and Jessica Cox

Carty S, Cox J. Promoting Mental Health Awareness and Stress Management Skills in Adolescent Girls: A Social-Emotional Learning Program. 16May2023.


John Davis, Frederick Ditmars, and Jenna Reisler

Reisler, Jenna D.1; Ditmars, Frederick S.2; Davis, John W.3. Addressing a National Health Crisis: A Student-Run Congestive Heart Failure Clinic for Underserved Patients. Academic Medicine 97(7):p 949-950, July 2022. | DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000004380


Ichara Raj

Inchara Raj. Creating a Free Contraception Clinic for Underserved Populations in Galveston. Texas Public Health Association Conference. May 21 2024


Meghan Mallya

Mallya, M.M. et al. (April, 2023). Psychopharmacology for Primary Care: How a CDST Can Increase PCP Comfort with Psychiatric Treatment. University of Texas Medical Branch Public Health Symposium, Galveston, TX. (2nd Place Community Poster)

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Leonard Wang and Manjushree Shanmugasundaram

Leonard Kuan-Pei Wang (2023) One fist bump at a time, Medical Teacher, DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2023.2244147


Shanmugasundaram, Manjushree; Wang, Leonard Kuan-Pei. Building Community-Informed Physicians: A Cocurricular Fellowship to Address Adolescent E-Cigarette Use. Academic Medicine ():10.1097/ACM.0000000000005575, November 20, 2023. | DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000005575

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Caitlin Aguirre, Ashton Davis, & Vanesa Ochoa

Ashton Davis & Caitlin Aguirre (07 Nov 2024): Student-led street medicine
initiative addressing barriers to care for those experiencing homelessness in Galveston, Texas, Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness, DOI: 10.1080/10530789.2024.2426287


Davis A, Aguirre C, Ochoa V, Galveston Street Rounds: A Unique Solution to Barriers of Care for Those Experiencing Homelessness. Presented as a poster at 2023 Texas SOPHE Conference; 2023 October; Austin, TX  


Aguirre C, Davis A, Ochoa V Galveston Street Rounds: A Unique Solution to Barriers of Care for Those Experiencing Homelessness. Presented as a poster online at the AMA Research challenge; 2023 October 


Davis A, Aguirre C, Ochoa V, Galveston Street Rounds: A Unique Solution to Barriers of Care for Those Experiencing Homelessness. Presented as a poster at the UTMB Global Health Symposium; 2023 October; Galveston TX 


Davis A, Aguirre C, Ochoa V, Street Medicine Galveston: Addressing the Social and Medical Needs of Unhoused Individuals through Street Rounds. Presented as a poster at the 2023 Public Health Symposium; 2023 April; Galveston, TX 


Cristy Lee & Madelina Nguyen

Nguyen ML, Lee C, Dang JT, Rainer C, Clark DL, Wilkes DM. The Nalox-own Project: Expanding Naloxone Education and Distribution Amongst Houston’s Unhoused Population. Poster presented at: 49th Annual Regional Anesthesiology and Acute Pain Medicine Meeting, March 21-23, 2024. San Diego, CA.


Lee C., Nguyen M., et al. Expanding Naloxone Education and Distribution amongst the Unhoused Population in Central Houston. Texas Society of Anesthesiologists Conference; 2023 September; Round Rock, TX. (2nd Place Poster).


Anaelle Lahitte-Crohare and Jessica Ngo

           Lahitte-Crohare, A., Ngo, J. BrIDging Resources Project: Providing Resource                          Navigation and Access to Social Resources in the Galveston Underserved                            Community. Poster presented at: Public Health Symposium, University of Texas                Medical Branch; April 2024; Galveston, TX.

University of Texas Medical Branch School of Public and Population Health

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Abhijit Rao, Nathan Tat, & Vivian Tat

        Nathan Tat*, Vivian Tat*, Abhijit Rao*. Taking Our Best Shot at Promoting
        Health Literacy and Engagement. Institute for Healthcare Advancement
        (IHA) – Health Literacy Conference. May 2024. Virtual.


         Candise Tat*, Vivian Tat*, Nathan Tat*, Abhijit Rao*, Dorothea R. Morris,
         Leslie Stalnaker, Jessica Matos, Avni Kantawala, Sean Icuspit, Gabrielle
         Dewson, Mary Beth Trevino, Krista Bohn, Tracy Toliver-Kinsky, Scott
         Weaver, Cara Pennel. ‘Taking Our Best Shot’ at Public Health Outreach and                         Interprofessional STEAM Education Initiatives. Clinical and Translational                          Research Symposium. April 2024. Houston, TX.


         Vivian Tat*, Abhijit Rao*, Nathan Tat*, Dorothea R. Morris, Leslie
         Stalnaker, Jessica Matos, Avni Kantawala, Candise Tat, Sean Icuspit,
         Gabrielle Dewson, Justine Ortega Mendez, Madeline (Rosie) Steck, Mary
         Beth Trevino, Krista Bohn, Tracy Toliver-Kinsky, Scott Weaver, Cara
         Pennel. ‘Taking Our Best Shot’ at Public Health Outreach and
         Interprofessional STEAM Education Initiatives. Interprofessional Education
        (IPEP) Symposium. (Excellence in Interprofessional Education Award.) April
         2024. Galveston, TX.


          Nathan Tat*, Vivian Tat*, Abhijit Rao*, Dorothea R. Morris, Leslie
          Stalnaker, Jessica Matos, Avni Kantawala, Candise Tat, Sean Icuspit,
          Gabrielle Dewson, Justine Ortega Mendez, Madeline (Rosie) Steck, Mary
          Beth Trevino, Krista Bohn, Tracy Toliver-Kinsky, Scott Weaver, Cara

          Pennel. ‘Taking Our Best Shot’ at Public Health Outreach and
           Interprofessional STEAM Education Initiatives. National Public Health Week
           – Public Health Symposium. April 2024. Galveston, TX.


Nathan Tat*, Candise Tat*, Vivian Tat*, Abhijit Rao*, Dorothea R. Morris,
Jessica Matos, Leslie Stalnaker, Avni Kantawala, Sean Icuspit, Gabrielle
Dewson, Justine Ortega Mendez, Madeline (Rosie) Steck, Mary Beth
Trevino, Krista Bohn, Tracy Toliver-Kinsky, Scott Weaver, Cara Pennel.
Examining Novel Public Health Strategies Through Interprofessional
Initiatives. Sigma Xi – Rice University & Texas Medical Center Poster
Symposium. (Honorable Mention). March 2024. Houston, TX.


Abhijit Rao*, Vivian Tat*, Nathan Tat*, Dorothea R. Morris*, Leslie Stalnaker, Jessica Matos, Mary Beth Trevino, Candise Tat, Krista Bohn, Sean Icuspit, Gabrielle Dewson, Tracy Toliver-Kinsky, Scott Weaver, Cara Pennel. ‘Taking Our Best Shot’ at Community and Interprofessional Health Education Initiatives. Texas Society for Public Health Education Conference. October 2023. Austin, TX.


Vivian Tat*, Nathan Tat*, Abhijit Rao*, Dorothea R. Morris*, Leslie Stalnaker, Jessica Matos, Mary Beth Trevino, Candise Tat, Krista Bohn, Sean Icuspit, Gabrielle Dewson, Tracy Toliver-Kinsky, Scott Weaver, Cara Pennel. ‘Taking Our Best Shot’ at Community and Interprofessional Health Education Initiatives. 2023 University of Texas Medical Branch Global Health Symposium. October 2023. Galveston, TX.​

UTHealth Houston School of Public Health

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Alane Celeste-Villalvir

Celeste-Villalvir, A., Kovic, C., & Argüelles, F. (2023). The intersectional impact of disability and immigration on health: A health needs assessment of immigrants of spinal cord injury in Texas. Community Health Equity Research and Policy (CHERP). doi: 10.1177/2752535X221132445

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Carol Jacob

Jacob, C & Wilson, S. Let’s Talk About It”: A Conversation with Teen Girls. Poster Presented at: SOPHE 2022 Advocacy Summit; October 22-23, 2022; Washington, DC.


Jacob, C. Let’s Talk About It”: A Conversation with Teen Girls. Oral Presentation at: Texas SOPHE Webinar; November 17, 2022.


Jacob, C. Reinertsen-Forehand, H. Putting Community First- Training Future Healthcare Leaders through Fellowship. Poster Presented at: 2023 SOPHE Annual Conference; March 21-23, 2023; Atlanta, GA.

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Helen Abdullah-Nguyen and Nichole Hoang

Abdullah-Nguyen, H. & Hoang, N. A Nutrition Education & Mental Health Initiative for Adults in Permanent Supportive Housing. Oral Presentation at: 2023 Texas Society for Public Health Education Conference; October 27-28, 2023; Austin, TX.


Abdullah-Nguyen, H. & Hoang, N. A Nutrition Education & Mental Health Initiative for Adults in Permanent Supportive Housing. Oral Presentation at: Texas Public Health Association 100th Annual Education Conference; May 20-22, 2024; Galveston, TX.

Texas Southern University

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Jyotsana Devi Godavarathi

Godavarthi, J. Overcoming Vaccine Hesitancy in East Harris County. Texas Society for Public Health Education (TSOPHE) Conference; Oct 27-28, 2023; Austin, TX.

UH Honors College


Tammy Tran, Thai Tran, & Vyshnavi Davuluri

Tran T., Tran T., Davuluri V., Operation Fusion: Blending Culture & Health in Refugee & Immigrant Youth. Oral Presentation at the American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Conference. November 2023; Atlanta, GA.


Karina George & Olivia Tran

George, K., Jacob, C., Kapral, A., & Tran, O. (2024, October 29). Engagement beyond the shadow: Evaluating a model for integrating sustained community-based projects in professional health education.  [Conference presentation].  American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting and Expo, Minneapolis, MN, United States.

UTHealth Houston McGovern School of Medicine


Breanna Alonzo and Sana Khan

Alonzo, B. & Khan, S. An Interventional Study of the Use of Art Therapy and Narrative Medicine to Mitigate Feelings of Social Isolation in the Older Adult Population. Oral Presentation at: Texas Public Health Association 100th Annual Education Conference; May 20-22, 2024; Galveston, TX.


Courtney Huynh and Mary Li

Alonzo, B. & Khan, S. An Interventional Study of the Use of Art Therapy and Narrative Medicine to Mitigate Feelings of Social Isolation in the Older Adult Population. Oral Presentation at: Texas Public Health Association 100th Annual Education Conference; May 20-22, 2024; Galveston, TX.


The Albert Schweitzer Fellowship is

dedicated to training the next generation

of professionals to serve and empower vulnerable people to build healthier communities and live healthier lives.


6431 Fannin St, JJL 450
Houston, TX 77030

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